1. Graduate Certificate in Interfaith Relations - Australian Catholic University, Canberra Campus
The Graduate Certificate in Interfaith Relations at Australian Catholic University, Canberra Campus, aims to offer an initial grounding in interfaith relations for interested women and men from within the Catholic community and beyond.
This course will introduce students to theological study in the Catholic tradition; to ecumenical and interfaith dialogue in the Catholic and Christian context.
Students will undertake a preliminary study of other faiths, especially Judaism and Islam, and will develop skills in social and cultural analysis, engagement and dialogue, with a view to preparing themselves for leadership in interfaith relations.
Closing Date for applications: 1 December
Applications may be made on line at www.acu.edu.au/courses
(Select: Theology & Philosophy AND The Graduate Certificate in Interfaith Relations)
2. Certificate in Guiding Meditation -Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Campus
The Certificate in Guiding Meditation at Australian Catholic University is intended to support those who wish to learn more about christian meditation and to assist those who wish to gain experience in how to lead others in the practice of meditation.
The course will focus on the history and practice of meditation in the Christian tradition. The rediscovered ancient techniques of prayer, using mantras, sacred words, icons and symbols will introduce participants to the rich heritage of Christian meditation. Emphasis will be placed on the use of Lectiio Divina as a way of breaking open the Holy Scriptures.
Meditation with children, teenagers and adults offers unique opportunities to explore the depths of the spiritual life.
Meditation and Special Needs will prepare students for leading meditation sessions in schools and parishes and elsewhere.
Living in multicultural society, many students will have already been exposed to other meditation traditions (for example Yoga, Buddhism, Sufism, Kabbalah, Dadirri, Martial Arts, etc.)
Closing date for lodging applications: 1 December. Applications may be made on line at http://my.acu.edu.au/courses//index.cfm Select: Theology & Philosophy.
Pope John Paul II called communities to: "become genuine 'schools of prayer', where meeting with Christ is expressed not just in imploring help but also in thanksgiving, praise, adoration, contemplation, listening and ardent devotion, until the heart truly falls in love". At the Beginning of the New Millennium (2001).